Middle grade ghost project - feedback welcome!
Hi all! I want add more Middle Grade work to my portfolio so I'm working on a small series of ghostly black and white illustrations. Would have been perfect for Halloween and Inktober but life got in the way - oh well . I've finished one so far, I'm aiming to do three in total. I kinda tried to shoe horn the monthly prompt into this one with those sprouts but it didn't finish it in time anyway.
Does this fit well in the middle grade genre? Are the values okay? Any other feedback would be great, thank you
I love this! Yes, I do think it fits well in middle grade genre. I think the values are working great for online viewing- but would perhaps be a bit dark when printed? As far as general feedback goes, I think that you could play with the placement of the floating food. It flows a little awkwardly for me. One is pretty much lost in her hair- maybe it could be switched out for a different type of food. On one hand I like the placement of the one between her eyes, and her expression is so funny, but on the other hand, it looks unclear if the food is just floating or if the ghost is smacking her in the face with it. Maybe if there was one floating slight above that one. Maybe have one of those brussels sprout thingies just barely lifting off the plate. I dunno, it might just be me. Curious what others have to say.
Overall, it's so fun and well done. I think it will be great for your portfolio and I want to see the others!
@TessaW Sorry about the slow response! Thank you so much for your feedback I think you're right about the values being a bit dark for printing, for now I'll keep them as they are since it will be viewed online only but I'll definitely lighten it up if I need to print it. I see what you mean about the floating food, I will have a play around with it and see what I can do. Thank you again!
I really love this drawing! It's so adorable and it makes me lol. Maybe you could add shadows behind the floating food to give it some depth? The gravy also seems a bit dark to me and it makes me think of blood for some reason. I can totally see this in a middle grade book!
@aprilshin Thank you April! Following your suggestion about the shadows really helped with depth I think
Yes, the shadows look great!