Hey guys! I’ve been listening to three point perspective since I discovered the podcast in 2020 and finally decided to sign up for the classes (yay)! I’m really excited to be here and I’ll probably be dipping in and out everyday to meet new people in the forum (I don’t have a lot of illustrator friends and I’m hoping to make some here). Do let me know which of the courses are your favorites and why.
Here’s a little bit about me- I graduated in 2019 with a design major and realized that what I really wanted to be was an illustrator. So since Jan 2020, I’ve been drawing, reading and taking online classes. It’s been a bit of a lonely journey but I’m so grateful for everything as not everyone gets so much time to explore and learn on their own terms. ️
I’m attaching some of my more recent pieces below. Happy to be here with you guys!
Here’s my Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/sirjanakaurillustration/