How to submit for critique arenea
Hi all, I am trying to submit my entry and believe I've satisfied all of the criteria but I don't see a submit or continue button? Is anyone else having an issue like this? What might I be doing wrong? Thanks in advance - Steph
It should look like this. If it’s not working maybe refresh and try again?
It then says submission received and expect to see it post by the following Friday. If your problem persists maybe tag @AustinShurtliff he may be able to help you. -
@Sbridges The Submit button did not show up for me last month when I tried to submit from my phone. Had to submit on my laptop.
thank you so much. I'll try again. I didn't see that submit button. I'll try to refresh.
Hopefully a mod or someone will see this. I think it is a frame issue. I tried in both Chrome and Edge. If I resize a bit I can kind of see the top of You're Done but can't resize enough to actually get the submit button to show. I'll try again later and hope it is fixed. Maybe it is just me.
@Asyas_illos thanks for tagging me on this!
@Sbridges thanks for sharing this issue! What kind of device were you on when you tried to submit your piece?
I think I have fixed the problem. Please check out the page again and let me know how it's working. If any other problems come up in the future feel free to email me (