May work - new projects
Hi Everyone,
I haven't posted here yet. Signed up for SVSlearn in February and have been quite busy, but wanted to post a couple new projects I've been working on these past couple months.
I have been collaborating with this Author on these books called Turtles go to Camp. They can be customized for camps around the country. It's been a great success. 2 custom books and one non custom being printed now all through the pandemic. More to come.
I signed up for and there are some good Authors looking to self publish. I never thought I would do work this way, but I found 2 great Authors that way with a couple great story ideas. Some pay well and I have new images for my portfolio. Win! Win! Check it out.
Here are some of the images. Can't wait to participate in a monthly contest.
Check out my website and social media and let's connect. All the best to you! Great to be part of an amazing group of artists.
@KGatto Welcome to the forum! Cute bread/butter characters
Thank you! Great to be here. Love reading all that everyone is doing. Great to meet you online!