What music do you listen to while drawing?
@shinjifujioka There are more on his site it's a lot like here. I subscribed to get the extras, i'm a glutton for anything i can learn
I listen to digital music. www.di.fm There a many channels to choose but I usually listen to the Progressive, the Vocal trance and the Down tempo lounge. I also have a playlist of oldies too!
@Leontine Just checking out Mister & Mississippi now, they really remind me of Of Monsters and Men (one of my favs!) Good stuff
As for me - I also listen to a lot of podcasts, but when I do listen to music it's usually indie - indie rock, indie pop, indie folk- love east coast sounding music (although I live on the west coast!) - the kind you'd want to get up and dance around in circles too with linked arms. I'm also a sucker for really epic movie soundtracks... Harry Potter, LOTR, Labryinth, Donnie Darko, anything Andrew Lloyd Weber, etc.
Love movie soundtracks. The one for Interstellar is a great one to draw to.
I like random, so I just put on the radio, but if I have enough (which is quickly enough), I just put on ambiant sounds
or... ahem... I like listening to @Will-Terry 's voice while working I find it motivating. So I play the SVS classes or his youtube videos. am I weird? lol -
Like others have mentioned, I like to listen to music on Spotify. It shuffles through the music for me without having to go searching, nor take me away from my work.
This is actually how I found the bands, Sleeping At Last & ODESZA I like to listen to them the most while drawing. Really gets my imagination flowing, plus most of their songs are rather calming.
@audrey-dowling I listen to @Will-Terry as well while working. Definitely helpful with tips to keep in mind while creating. Not weird! Or maybe we both are. Haha :3
@shinjifujioka Have you heard of Eisley? They are in similar vein to the Gabrielle Aplin song you posted.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uITNbUWK3iU (sometimes I just put this album on repeat and paint for a few hours)
and this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z5mPOqyTlo (one of the saddest songs ever imo--and great to paint to)
I like to listen very melodic stuff like that, sometimes heavier dubstep (have to be in the right mood), heavy rock (crazy stuff like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4sZhL_8WL4&list=PL79ZUqe2WN259LrQj7UJ50cNgaEYpF-yQ&index=7).
However, for a while know I've been listening to various audiobooks, science/social podcasts and youtube channels. Stumbled upon Milton Friedmen recently on Youtube and I've been thinking about his ideas as I paint.
I find that if I'm in the drawing/design stage I have to listen to music--I can't listen to spoken word because I won't process any of it. That initial planing stage is always such a struggle and I have to concentrate. When I get to the coloring/rendering stage I can kinda go into autopilot and pay more attention to words.
@audrey-dowling I laughed when I read your comment about Will's voice. Haha, I listen to his videos to while working on art stuff too.
@mattramsey Been listening to Eisley for a couple hours now while I work on my 3rd Thursday piece...