An inn warmed by hands?
Hello everyone,
Thank you for taking a look at this post... I’m not sure if I’ll finish this month’s prompt or not, but I’d love it if you’d be willing to share your thoughts on this concept and sketch. I’m hoping that the tiny little inn would look cozy and warm amidst the snow.
@KathrynAdebayo really sweet and interesting concept!
I do have a question though: is that snow on the kids' heads and shoulders? While they're making the inn nice and warm, it does imply that they've been out there for a long time, and do you want a children's illustration to imply that children are being put a risk from exposure to cold?
Just something that gave me a feeling of concern for their wellbeing -- thought I'd share that feedback.
But again, really cute expressions! It is a unique concept.
@KathrynAdebayo That is such a great interpretation of the prompt! I'm too busy with a book to do this month's but this is definitely one of my favorite designs for it.
@Melissa-Bailey-0 Hi Melissa, thank you so much for the feedback. Good point! I’m not sure what the story is behind the children or how long they would be sitting there to warm the little inn, but you make a good point. Don’t want to make them look too cold! Thanks again for the help and support.
@lpetiti Thanks for the encouragement.