book dummy. how rough can roughs be? feedback needed
I am working on a book dummy at the moment. And I wonder how rough roughs can be. below you can see the style that I am want to use for the whole book as well as one of the spreads as a rough. Is that fine? do I need to add more detail? Is it too defined already?
thanks for taking a look and sharing your feedback, this is really appriciated!
In my experience what you've got here will be just fine.
I've attached a jpeg of my steps in illustrating a book.
To be clear the "Book Mapping" and "Thumbnail" stages are never shown to the publisher.
I always submit the "Rough Sketch" and "Final Art"
I used to regularly submit the "Final Sketch" but have noticed that some publishers (the ones I've worked with multiple times) no longer need that stageThe most important thing I've found in determining the finish level of a "rough sketch" is: Can the editor and art director easily make the leap from your rough sketch to the finished art? Given what you've posted here, I would say "yes".
@davidhohn Thanks so much for the info! this is so helpful. Thanks for your opinion and thanks for the examples you posted. This is very helpful to me!