@doro_thea I really like the direction of this cover!
My main critique would be the balance of the piece. The illustration seems to be pulled towards the bottom-left corner. Your main character is down there, the shadow is leading down there, the text is leaning that way, and the floor is slanted in that direction. I think shifting some elements around (including straightening the floor--or even having it angle the opposite way) would help--or possibly adding another element to the bottom-right corner of the pink section would add a counterweight. I've found that flipping/mirroring your image is very helpful for getting a fresh look at the balance in an image.
I agree with what @Jacy13 said about the beast's silhouette. I would also make a slight clean-up to the beast's texture. When I was looking more closely, a couple of the larger dots stood out to me (circled below), and I couldn't stop seeing them as eyes (so may brain saw a rhino--which would be an interesting direction, but I'm assuming not the one you were intending).

The design of her outfit is super cute. The style is very unique and approachable. Keep up the good work! I look forward to seeing it finished