13 Feb 2020, 02:41

Hi there! Trying break my anxious ghost-lurker habits and actually participate in the forums and contests instead of just silently admiring everyone's work.

As a folklore podcaster, I figured I'd dive into folklore about nightfall for this. There are a bunch of tales about animals fighting for day all the time vs night all the time, using either chants or magic or both to battle for supremacy. As with a lot of folklore, there are many variants of this tale, but rabbit shows up in a fair few of them. I decided to focus on Rabbit vs Owl because of the predator/prey relationship.

This is a veeerry rough color thumbnail of the concept. The stripes in the sky are just to remind me to do a transition from night>dusk colors>dawn colors> day, and I'll have those colors more emphasized on the space between the combatants.
Open to any critiques, particularly those related to composition and how much of a detailed background should exist here.

Nightfall WIP.jpg