100 Ravens- WIP Updates
Hey everyone, this year I started a new project. It's an extension of my Slowvember Project about the Grimms Fairy Tale of the Seven Ravens. I decided to do a Design 100 Ravens Project for 2020. I borrowed Jakes tips for planning from the Ship Episode of the 3 Point Perspective Podcast and from the 100 Somethings Video on his Youtube to work out the details and a schedule for myself.
I'm also going on 50 Artists Dates this year to fill my creative bank account, and I created a Patreon for some accountable. I didn't plan the funnel or anything this time for my Patreon, because I just needed to get started. If people come they come, if they don't I'm o.k. with that. I just wanted a place to make myself practice shipping out my creations more.
So far, I'm loving this project. I know I'm going to hate it at sometimes, but I'm going to keep going. I did some more deep diving to study Raven Anatomy, and now I feel even more comfortable drawing these awesome birds.
I'm creating this thread to share my progress, and post images for critique.```
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Hey Everyone,
This is one of the first Ravens I've been working on. It's a sketch that I plan to realize in colored pencil.
I wanted to know if you see anything I should adjust. I love honesty, so please don't be afraid to share. I'm looking to sharpen my skills.Some areas I'm unsure about:
- I'd like some suggestions about the lighting and where it falls on the figure.
- I'd also like some suggestions on lighting the feathers.
- Lastly please look at the gesture, and body movement.
Thanks so much for your help
I think your raven looks great. I'm no critique expert but highlights seem ok to me. It seems like maybe the leg on the right should be a bit smaller on the upper part? If it's the furthest leg it should appear smaller?
I'm looking at this on a cell phone with tired eyes tho so that's my disclaimer Ha ha. I might be misinterpreting what I'm seeing.
Great project, I love ravens. I had one say hello to me a couple years ago!!! A bit of a surprise LoL -
Thanks @Coley, that helps a lot. I'll work on that leg and repost soon.
Here's an update. I made the right leg a bit smaller and I added some hairs on the Raven's beak and chest. I also worked on the feet a bit more, and the curve of the beak, since Raven beaks have a sharp dip. It's because they are birds of prey.
@Jennyann nice! I like the New raven too!