The last color is done.
I was testing if the green would play nice over the black on the lady but didn't like it so left her all-black. More mysterious that way.
@theprairiefox said in Slowvember WIP - Barn:
now I race to get it done tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Good luck
I really like the stones of the house. Puttin' the page fold down the middle is a good idea, too!
@Braden-Hallett yeah, the line around the outside is the bleed as well. I am planning on putting this in a book dummy so I setting it up so I can print it using blurb and they have a 1/8 inch bleed.
All the things you have to think about if you are really going to print!
@theprairiefox Damn that looks pretty!You still got time!
Here is the final scanned... also posted in the contest thread.
Thank you @Braden-Hallett , @Elena-Marengoni , @Rachel-Horne , @JoannaH so much for the feedback.
Always a pleasure to see the block printing illustrations. My new year resolution is to try silkscreen. I will make at least one svs monthly contest in silkscreen next year :-).
@xin-li can't wait to see it!
I am new to all of this (have been doing printmaking for about a year now) and silkscreen is on my list of technics to learn.
I love the looseness and texture that traditional printmaking provides. Such a rich quality...