I have not been posting my Slovember progress. But thought I would put this up for your thoughts. I am working on a spread for a story I am writing. The text for the spread is:
One day, just as the mornings were turning cold, I grumbled my way across the farm. I had to feed the chickens in the barn.
I heard a bang. Peeking outside I saw a thin figure hunched over trying to open our cellar door.
I have done character development and research to get to my style and characters. Note I am planning on the whole book to be done with woodcut plates.
Couple Pinterest boards (if you are interested.)
Dream Portfolio - Finish
Dream Portfolio - Character Design
I did a character design test print:
I believe I will use the colors here as the base for the book.
I have done 30+ thumbs and here are the top 4 that I did value studies of, please chime in on which one you like best.
Number 1, I am imitating a flat (almost perspectiveless) design.
Number 3, I really liked the implied lines leading back to the unknown person.
Number 10, the reader is seeing the figure as the boy does.
Number 12, is really seen from the chicken's point of view.
Let me know which you think is strongest.
Not sure if I will finish on time but will be moving forward on this one regardless.