I was where you are so I came up with a few very clear projects to keep me going. All of them tend towards one bigger project, which is building up a good portfolio for children's illustration. So: I have my goal, I have my preferred medium (drawing with pencil then colouring digitally) and I kind of have found "my" style, at least a style that I'm really wishing to develop (that last one was the longest to find, and it's only by observing other artists and trying myself that I got somewhere satisfying - so far)
- I do the "design 100 somethings challenge" from jake parker and I've chosen to draw children to get me practised since a I want to do children's illustrations
- I take the courses here and I practice with the assignments, it's a good way of drawing without really thinking "so, what will I draw?!"
- I conceptualize my portfolio with words and a clear plan of what kind of illustrations should be included: this gives me ideas of actual illustrations or little stories I could try and develop
- I just sketch in my sketchbook, randomly, but I still find it hard to "let go"
all these are exercises that will bring me closer to my goal and at the same time keep me busy and practising without thinking too much of the so-called inspiration
hope it helps!