I do not know what is the right way to do. But I will tell you about my practice
In the end I think it is all about quantity and addressing the flaws. You suck at hands? You have to draw more hands. You suck at faces, you have to draw more faces. Try to get out of your comfort zone. Try different styles and techniques and new themes when you feel you are not improving.
This is what I do:
- identify what you want to learn next. it can be anything, a technique, some subject. I usually take down notes when i draw and notice I really suck at something
- challenge yourself
- Complete the challenge as fast as possible(while not cheating yourself) and
- move to the next subject or what really motivates me is to do something more finished(like 3rd thursday digital painitng) where i utilize what I learned
Examples of my challenges
50 hands - I used my hand as a reference
50 portraits
50 portraits from different angles
sketchbook of 1-5 minute gesture drawings
50 Shoes
50 clothes
Do a 3rd thursday every month
And here is a video for more practice ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu3ulVhO3z4
And one example of project from Jake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xxa01j9Ns7o
Concerning your problem with order. I think it does not really matter. Draw something you like. You like dragon, draw a dragon. Then lookup a picture of dragon somebody you like drew. And find out what he did better than you, If you are as critical as me, it well be overwhelming number of areas to work on... anatomy, perspective, light, color, background,... now you have to choose one thing and practice it, one that is achievable and that will push you further. Give yourself an exact goal, like 50 drawings. Then you can try to redraw your previous picture and see if you improved.