"TMATP book" I can use some help with my english.
This is awesome! I really wanna finish a book and posting as it's finished is a great idea.
Hi! About the schedule, I give myself a year to finish it and I'm committed to delivering new pages every week, at least two but more if is possible without compromising quality. But this is only so I can have a "time-frame". I'm ready to make changes and let the story flow instead of forcing things.Good thing about digital media is that we can present our work to the people while still in progress like I did and we still can change every aspect of every section of the book at any moment. So we can improve our whole work following fan bits of advice, for example, and continue to do this until we are happy with the final result before taking it to the print.
We can't do that with physical issues like comics, etc. And is a great help when we start doing this and we lack the experience of others authors.
So you, for example, can create a page today, write the first pages of your story, illustrated it with your characters "studies" you already have, and once your work is online, you can make the changes you feel necessary at any time, ask for feedback, take advises... etc.
I don't think this "changing things" process is going to last very much time, because I'm learning very quickly since I made the compromise and put myself on the edge. Now I have the ideas much more clear about what I'm doing, and I think the story is on track. And artistically, now I know better the style of illustrations and the layout. This last area is where I have to make the bigger changes but in a couple of weeks I expect to have it wrap up, and perhaps I'll have to change some of the first draw so it matches the rest. Consistency is very important.
Well, I suppose you don't have an excuse now!!!! jajajjajajjaj Just kidding, but it could be great if you start your book and we can learn from each other on the road!
Have a great day!!!!!
Hi! I'm not sure I understand what you say, I think you say that posting the book where "in process" is a great idea. If so, I have some advises I just made answering to user nasvikdraws. I'll just copy and paste here:"Good thing about digital media is that we can present our work to the people while still in progress like I did and we still can change every aspect of every section of the book at any moment. So we can improve our whole work following fan bits of advice, for example, and continue to do this until we are happy with the final result before taking it to the print.
We can't do that with physical issues like comics, etc. And is a great help when we start doing this and we lack the experience of others authors.
So you, for example, can create a page today, write the first pages of your story, illustrated it with your characters "studies" you already have, and once your work is online, you can make the changes you feel necessary at any time, ask for feedback, take advises... etc.
I don't think this "changing things" process is going to last very much time, because I'm learning very quickly since I made the compromise and put myself on the edge. Now I have the ideas much more clear about what I'm doing, and I think the story is on track. And artistically, now I know better the style of illustrations and the layout. This last area is where I have to make the bigger changes but in a couple of weeks I expect to have it wrap up, and perhaps I'll have to change some of the first draw so it matches the rest. Consistency is very important."
I really love your style! I cant wait to see more of the book. Did you write the story yourself?
Hi! Yeah! At first I thought that I could write like little sentences, you know, more like "Where the wild things are" kind of writing. A book that you can read in five minutes.... but the writing took life on its own and I found myself more time writing than drawing without even know how I got there And in the process discovering that I enjoy the process of creating a world and fill it with characters and adventures so the project mutated and I can't be more happy about it.Now I'm making two sections more, one in which I'm going to describe the rules of the world I'm creating and upload maps of the different islands, cities, etc and other in which I'm going to present the characters.
I have now 4 drawings waiting for watercolors and I expect Wednesday to be online with a little more of writing.
Thanks for your feedback!!!!!
@lmrush Thank you for your feedback!
@zombie-rhythm Thats amazing and really creative! I'll keep an eye out for them when you upload!
Cool. Thanks for getting back. I can see that you're determined. That is great.
I see that the story took on. How long will it be? I guess it is for 5-9year olds?In the meantime I warmed up my project and after inktober I'll hop on to it in all my spare time. I'll keep you posted. I am still hesitant about putting myself out there like you did. But it's a bold move. I respect you for that. I might need to do the same.
I am also following your progress and excited to see your project happening.
So good luck and I'll see you on the other side:) -
Thank you!
The story I think can take me 80 pages but is an estimation. I have the idea of creating an "alife book" that never has to end. I've based myself on Manga and Anime series. If I create a great world and continue feeding every week, I can create Stoy Arcs. I can print every one like a book that has a story with a conclusion but that has an overall quest that is part of the series.
I prefer parents themselves judge if my book suits his education preferences because I'm going to treat some themes in a very natural way... But I'm really writing for all ages. There are some animation films like Megamind that are fun for kids and really interesting and fun too for adults. I'll try to do the same.I recommend you to jump. First, in the beginning, only a few people are going to find his way to your webpage. Second, a lot of interesting things happens once you jump. For example, I finish an illustration and I was very unhappy with that one. I mess up the watercolors. I have my set mind now in "finish not perfect" and the work has to be done, so, I worked on the illustration with photoshop and did my best and even I was still unhappy I put the illustration online.
A friend of mine whos roommate is an illustrator too saw the illustration and they love it, like a lot!!!
So, "Who I'm I to judge my work" I only can do my best and put the work out there and let people judge.
Even I wasn't happy with the illustration I was happy with myself because I did my best, and then some people had a great time reading the page and laughing with the illustration. So you never know until you are not out there. Our point of view is to thin and if we talk about our own work thinner, normally we are our worst critics. So take the burden of judging out of your shoulders and let people decide if your work is good or not. I like a lot your draws, so I encourage you to jumpThat's is what I learned this past week and gives me material to feed the youtube channel that I'm creating so I can reach people to know my book. So everything goes like interlace. Once you start, your work tell you what the next step is
Thank you for your feedback, always encouraging!
@zombie-rhythm Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnyyyy hOOOOOOp!!!!!!!!
@zombie-rhythm Cool. Love your positive thinking. Go for it!
I remember some books from my childhood that had a nice flow of story where anything could happen. The way you are writing reminds me of Eric Kastner: The 35th of May, or Conrad's Ride to the South Seas. I read it a long long long time ago but it just popped in my mind.Thank you very much for the encouragement. Those were some interesting words of one being too critical of their own work. This really resonates with Jake's "finished, not perfect" I have to review how I am thinking about my work.
Checked out your youtube. You're in Barcelona? Such a great, inspirational city.
I checked out "The 35th of May, or Conrad's Ride to the South Seas" and is great! I inspire myself a lot on anime series like "One Piece" which I'm really fan, but I read a lot and every book left a seed on us I believed.
Thank you for checking out my Youtube channel. I apologize for my English. I know my pronunciation is not good and I expect to improve it making videos week after week.