31 Aug 2018, 23:10

Hola parce 😃 bien venido al foro!

You are obviously good at several things but to be the best at something you need to dedicate a whole lot more time to it. Just like a doctor studies chemistry, anatomy, and a bunch of other stuff then specializes and becomes an expert on only 1 thing. People without focus sadly end up helping grow other people's businesses at their own expense.

I'll start with instagram
You have several good images but the main issue I see is that you are not dedicating the account to work. People on Instagram don't want to see so many personal photos of you and your images unless your account is about YOU. So, first things first, only post work related images. Keep your personal photos to Instagram stories. If you want to post personal photos, do that like once in a blue moon.

Choose 1 area of focus: dedicate your account to what you want to do, is it going to be ‘‘3D Generalist’’ like you said on Instagram? or ‘‘Character Artist, specifically in the areas of character design, 3d modeling and digital sculpting.’’ like you said on the website?

you can, and you should, share process. take 1 project and share 3 stages of it, for example: pencil sketch then color sketch or rough sculpture then finished sculpture. This way you are TELLING A STORY. You already did something similar with the ape post, i really love it! currently people can't be hooked because it's just bits and pieces of everything with no clear goal as in where you are taking them.

You want to be a character designer? only upload characters. avoid posts like the fluid simulation. always ask yourself Does this post serve the goal of my Instagram account?

switch to a business account on Instagram, I think you will need a facebook page to be able to do that. anyways, it's free and you get analytics to help find more about your audience.

You should add more information. at least mention a way to contact you. for example:
Julian Per
Character Designer and sculptor
email me for commissions Julian@gmail.com

Your website looks abandoned with a comment from 2011 that you haven't replied to. It needs to be updated. New layout, new images, different text....update what you do and who you do it for and why you do it. google: the elevator pitch. It will help you make your value proposal short and to the point. This process is going to take time so work a little on your website every day. It will look great in a few months and you will learn a lot about SEO which is how you help people find you.

I hope this helps. Start as soon as you can, fix something every day and be patient.