Hi, everyone!
A while ago I have started a piece, which I haven't finished yet, unfortunately. It is the first page of a two page poem plus the respective illustration. I know that poem from my childhood and it is really georgeous.
It was written by Samuil Marschak and tells the story why the moon doesn't wear any clothes: The moon was keen to get some clothing and hired a taylor. But the moon changed his figure between taking measure and fitting again and again, until first the moon and then the taylor get super mad, coming to the conclusion: The moon will stay without any clothings.
Illustrating a childrens's poem
Hi, everyone!
A while ago I have started a piece, which I haven't finished yet, unfortunately. It is the first page of a two page poem plus the respective illustration. I know that poem from my childhood and it is really georgeous.
It was written by Samuil Marschak and tells the story why the moon doesn't wear any clothes: The moon was keen to get some clothing and hired a taylor. But the moon changed his figure between taking measure and fitting again and again, until first the moon and then the taylor get super mad, coming to the conclusion: The moon will stay without any clothings. -
wonderful work.
I'm a big fan of your "cutout" looking illustration. Very nice!
I like the concept of the cut paper but I think it'd be even cooler if you took it farther in terms of adding more cut out layers. The best part to me is the moon so far since you have 3 layers going on. I think it might be cool to maybe add some dimensions to the man the clouds the table, etc. by adding cut out highlights and shadows. If you look at Britney Lee's website, you can see some of her actual cut out images and see how she used layers to create an illusion of depth.
http://britsketch.blogspot.com -
Thanks for your feedback, Ben! I will definitely try out how it looks with more layers. I can imagine that it can be pushed indeed.
Many thanks for the link as well. The work of Brittney is amazing! I will try to learn from her pieces. -
Many thanks, Steve (@Steve-Young) and Rob (@rob-smith)!
That means a lot to me!