How to Draw Everything attaching cubes
@marsha-kay-ottum-owen i'm not seeing the attached image Marsha. you might want to try reupload it
@gary-wilkinson Thank you! Fixed that.
@marsha-kay-ottum-owen looking good. one thing I would suggest is to extend your lines towards the vanishing points more as you construct the boxes. It will give you a clearer view of the perspective
@gary-wilkinson Thanks! I'll work on that.
@marsha-kay-ottum-owen I suggest you use a bigger piece of paper so you can draw a horizon line and vanishing points and use a ruler. I know so many who can draw in perspective without ever using a ruler. I am not one of those. Draw a horizon line with 2 vanishing points then use the ruler on EVERY line you draw, even the vertical lines. You will see what a difference it makes.
@joy-heyer I would normally do that but I think, in this exercise, we're supposed to be trying ot do it without the dots and lines and get a feel for hwo it would work. I probably need to go back to the dots lines and ruler though! Thanks! Maybe I can check with Jake Parker.
@Jake Parker, can you tell me what I am doing wrong? Am I supposed to be using a ruler for this or should I go back to using a ruler and dots and lines? Thanks.