@tyson-ranes I absolutely think you should! It gives a "home base" for people to go to. Even with 5 pieces (which is just fine), you can also include a blog (where you could post in-progress imagery if you want), an about bio/resume section(s), and a contact/connect section, not to mention links to your social profiles.
Also, the website structure/design does not have to be now what it will be in the future when you have more pieces you want to include. The site can change with you & your work. For instance, perhaps right now, you want a nicely designed, large-image-based, single, scrolling page, but when you have more pieces you want to show, you could modify to a multi-page site.
I use Wordpress for my CMS, but you could use Squarespace or another system to help you launch. All of these types should also be easy to redesign the site structure/design with too, when necessary.