@tessw Wow! That's very helpful, thanks. Seems like D or E would be the best position. I think D. That was very helpful!
How do I make this guy eye-level?
Then im not sure i understand. How can an aerial view of someone be eye level? Do you want the 'camera' in the air but the running guy looking into it? Or do you want it to be eyeleveled for the viewer? I actually like your initial drawing to be honest
The chickens at the bottom left and right should be rotated around their z axes to have all perspectives right. The guy itself is good I think.
If you analyze the drawing the horizon line is actually around the top of the mans head. Every top plane below this is visable to the viewer. The issue I see is that the chickens have a more flat less 3-d look so you aren't really sowing the top or bottom planes them so they don't really fit with the main character
@smceccarelli Oh, great advice! That is very helpful. Thank you!
@dennis-spaans I don't really know what a Z axes is!
@marsha-kay-ottum-owen the third dimensional axis that goes away from the viewer into the picture. Think a cube vs a square. A square has two axis vertical and horizontal but a cube has a third dimension on the z axis
@rcartwright Ah, okay. Thanks! I'll work on it
I would say that for this particular drawing, it might be difficult to implement the bounding box because the position of your character is tilted and his limbs are spread forward and back. I feel bounding boxes are more helpful in a less extreme pose- though I could be wrong. In this case you would need a working knowledge of what objects look like in relation to the horizon line, but I'm not sure how much a bounding box would be helpful.
I've taken naked doll bum again and approximated the general pose the guy is in. The first photo, I have my camera almost above the doll, and this is how I envision how you are showing us the scene. Then I have progressively lowered the camera, until the middle of the figure is about eye-level. I have not changed the position of the doll or where I am standing. Sorry for the image quality.
This is how I envision the bounding box and the horizon line. They may not be 100% accurate. . .and are just approximations.
@tessw Wow! That's very helpful, thanks. Seems like D or E would be the best position. I think D. That was very helpful!
No problem. Just keep practicing perspective and it will slowly come to you. It takes time! Go to the new How to Draw Everything Class and look at the videos in Part V Shapes. Do all the exercises there.
@tessw Yes, I started the course the other day. Haven't got to the shapes yet.