I found this course really helpful, This is the first workbook images. This course really helped me understand design of objects and composition a lot. Great Course Guys!
very nice studies you got there! I see you have applied what Jake included in the videos. I skipped the tree one which I should not have done. I need to go back there.
I was going to skip the tree one, but because I don't normally draw them, but then I realised I needed to draw them, so I did it lol.
Wow you sure have been busy in the past few days Steve! I am looking more and more like a slacker now! Ha! (and I totally knew you were kidding btw - and I enjoyed that!)
Hey , These look good. I can't wait to get to the environment design class and learn some stuff. Definitely one of my weaker spots.
@Rich-Green LOL well you going to feel like a slacker now, I been doing other artwork for some other courses as well. Thanks dude. i am sure you catch up, i do need to sleep sometimes.
@Jonathon-B You will find it easer than you think, its really opening our mind and using knowledge you already know.
I never thought of drawing silhouettes to work the shapes. I love that idea! I think it's going to be very helpful
@audrey-dowling That's stunning! I really like it
thanks @Ace-Connell !
wow, Great work, Fantastic idea for including everyones exercises here!