I was just getting ready to buy an isbn number. I am wondering about buying more. It's a lot cheaper but will I need them? Do people who self publish need one at all and can a person buy one after a book is already published? Can people do a group buy on isbns or would they have to be in one persons name? Just wondering. Thanks. BTW, I may have found a local printer who can do small runs to huge runs digitally. We'll see what happens!
More than one isbn?
I was just getting ready to buy an isbn number. I am wondering about buying more. It's a lot cheaper but will I need them? Do people who self publish need one at all and can a person buy one after a book is already published? Can people do a group buy on isbns or would they have to be in one persons name? Just wondering. Thanks. BTW, I may have found a local printer who can do small runs to huge runs digitally. We'll see what happens!