Old man Wheeler is trying some new things--This isn't done but getting happy...
@Zachary-Schrage Amazing work! Love the details so much!
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ozt4isPlAMQ new youtube video ill bring some art later
@Sarah-VanDam Hi. Not sure how to ask a question of the moderators, so chiming in here. I've been trying to post about a free, online graphic novel pitch event. One of your members suggested I hop on here. I've posted it twice. I can see it in my queue but I don't think it's visible to anyone else. Who would I talk to to figure this out. Thank you and apologies for using this forum to ask the question. I searched, but couldn't find a way to reach DM anyone.
@Malachi-Hudelson anyone seen grand turismo?
Hey guys! I've been away for a while now since me and my family have moved back to our home country. I didn't draw for two months, so i'm really happy to be working full time again with my illustrations. I got my first two commissions this month, one's an architecture project that's NDA and the other one's three illutsrations for a companies 50th jubileum. Nice to be back anyway, and hope to join another HTFOA soon! Here is the first one of the three illutsrations. It's almost done (my phones camera really butchered it sadly.
@Larue Love it!
@KidLit-GN Hi! Sorry, I haven’t been on here much in the last week, so I just saw your message. To be honest, I’m not an official moderator of this forum, I just post the monthly online studio thread. But, to answer your question, your post IS showing up for me, and it looks like it’s gotten close to 50 views, just not a whole lot of engagement. You went the right route making it a separate post, though. Looks cool!
@Enni-Heikura hehe she is so awesome
I love your art style so much, it’s so unique