@reberlik weird restrictions they have on these forums
SVS Virtual Studio MARCH 2024
@Sarah-VanDam I’ll start this off with a sticker I recently designed. I’m trying to figure out how to calibrate my Cricut machine to cut it out the way I want:
@braydin-hawlette Very cool overlay in the foreground. This whole composition is awesome!
@braydin-hawlette i would like to upvote but apparently "you can only upvote 20 times a day"
@reberlik weird restrictions they have on these forums
@Sarah-VanDam I am starting my first "100 somethings" project. 100 Tree houses! I spent the last 5 years working as an arborist and am now learning construction, so this is a project I am really excited about.
@Jason-Crowley really like this. Love the textured coloured pencil look.
@MarcRobinson Thanks Marc
Super cute with great monster characters! -
@braydin-hawlette I love how you used the wall for a page split
Great page design and use of light and contrast for point of interest…I’m just very curious as to why the “beaver(?)is facing” us…and not too happy either. Hmmm. -
@Larue Thanks
@Larue That would Mr. Bear. He is stuffed, and therefore often unhappy.
In this particular instance he is (once again) contemplating the deathless nature of his existence. He has been run through the washing machine, yet does not drown. He has been torn in half, and yet stitched together again to no ill effect many a time. When Mr. Bear is finally worn out and his stuffing shredded to make new toys or perhaps a pillow, will he finally cease to be? Or will he continue? Forever?
Such is the life of Mr. Bear.
Unless you're talking about Teddy. Teddy's just a pouty little doofus.
rinse cycle of doom!
@reberlik What Mr. Bear would give to go through a warm wash instead of the dreaded cold water cycle