I have been absent for quite some time from this forum. I am very sorry. Between health issues, important life decisions, looking after my son and trying to find what I want to do professionally, it has been a weird year.
I recently settled on making comics/children's books part-time as a "hobby".
Anyway! I started to work on my new John Space episode. The first episode was a one pager you can find here, and it was comical. It was designed to be "easy" to complete. In this new episode, I try new things:
- I am going for a 4-5 page story
- I explore a different tone: the story is action packed, with a little bit of humour, and the ending might be serious
- the drawing are more ambitious, with more complex camera angles, and more details
I am not really sure about the ending yet to be honest. I need to make sure it is not too far fetched.
Here are the initial thumbnails.
Here is the script, if that can help "seeing" what I have thumbnailed:
Copy of JohnSpace-S01-E02-script.pdf
The ending is work in progress. I am happy to share my ideas in private and get your feedback, so don't hesitate to reach me. When I have settled on something, I will publish the final script/thumbnails of page 5.