Pulp Sci-fi Comic: John Space, Episode 2
I have been absent for quite some time from this forum. I am very sorry. Between health issues, important life decisions, looking after my son and trying to find what I want to do professionally, it has been a weird year.
I recently settled on making comics/children's books part-time as a "hobby".
Anyway! I started to work on my new John Space episode. The first episode was a one pager you can find here, and it was comical. It was designed to be "easy" to complete. In this new episode, I try new things:
- I am going for a 4-5 page story
- I explore a different tone: the story is action packed, with a little bit of humour, and the ending might be serious
- the drawing are more ambitious, with more complex camera angles, and more details
I am not really sure about the ending yet to be honest. I need to make sure it is not too far fetched.
Here are the initial thumbnails.
Here is the script, if that can help "seeing" what I have thumbnailed:
Copy of JohnSpace-S01-E02-script.pdfThe ending is work in progress. I am happy to share my ideas in private and get your feedback, so don't hesitate to reach me. When I have settled on something, I will publish the final script/thumbnails of page 5.
Hello! I think that I got the first page done. I've made most of the work a couple of weeks ago, but I basically finished the polishing today.
I am thinking to keep it in black and white for now, as it takes me ages to produce a page at the moment
or in monochrome with color accents.
Don't hesitate to give your feedback, although at this stage it might be hard to change stuffs. Pages 3 to 5 are not started yet, so you can really give structural/story feedback on these ones (see script in previous post).
See you soon!
Hey Geoffrey! Omg it's so cool you are making a comic! I bet your kids are stoked about it haha I have kids too and they love seeing stories and art I am working on. And not afraid to give honest feedback! that's for sure. Good luck with your comic series, I hope it goes well! Love your art style and the humor
Thank you @srednaart ! My kid is not old enough to read but he does enjoy when I draw him a giraffe between 2 John Space panels :D!
Here is page 2, almost ready (I might draw the outline of the sphynark in the crabbot at panel 3, not sure).
Again, feedback are welcome.
Not finished, but some significant progress!
Time to move on to page 4, and polish things afterwards.
@Geoffrey-Mégardon this is pretty great! Thank you for sharing
So here is the final 5-page adventure of John Space:
https://www.nodragemillustration.com/webcomicsTook me a while to finish the last page, because I was also applied to jobs; and other stuffs.
I hope you will enjoy the ending
it is not exactly an happy ending; so I believe my target audience is more teenagers and adults.
Also, I think that wix may not be so good at hosting a webcomic (e.g. adding a comment section). Do you have any recommendations for webtool to publish webcomics?
@Geoffrey-Mégardon Hi! You might want to play around a bit with wix. If you put a separate page for each comic you could do something like this [webcomic](l https://oncesete.wixsite.com/sliceofretaillife)
This was my old test webpage for my webcomic project. Wix allows you to add a comments section on each post.Now I am working with the toocheke wordpress page. I opened a dreamhost account which sidesteps wordpress payments to their direct wordpress hosting. You can see the toocheke being used in different sites like sheldoncomics.
Thank you @makekong !
To be honest, I am thinking to decrease the cost by going for something free like Hugo. But yeah, meanwhile I will have to fiddle with Wixso thank you for the example!
@Geoffrey-Mégardon totally understand, just as fyi, dreamhost is currently charging 3 usd a month for the first year and the domain is around 14 usd. I use it because it allows you to have multiple websites hosted so Im currently hosting 4 for that price. The toocheke template is free for the basic functionality
all this info comes from the cool guys at comiclab podcast
But yeah the wix works and offers the perks you need now. You can even add gumroad links to sell any digital stuff without having to pay the wix marketplace fee