Eliana's Time Capsule July
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This is a wip of my idea of the rabbit race. My idea is rabbits with different themes trying to see which one is the best rabbit, I got there a magician rabbit, the Easter rabbit and the Alicia’s rabbit but I can’t remember any other themes rabbits. -
@Eliana-Bastidas by alicias rabbit do you mean Alice ? If so he could be in some sort of tea cup!I think this is really cute, but I couldn’t think of any other rabbits either, oh maybe Peter rabbit? Good luck can’t wait to see the progress!
@Asyas_illos Yes! I meant the rabbit from Alice in wonderland. Good idea, I never thought about it, thanks! I will try to add random rabbits in the background with just the silhouette, because I'm out of ideas
I cleaned the sketch a bit and started to work on the background. I’m not sure about the pose of the 2nd rabbit, I haven’t look for references yet.
I added a bit of color to see if my idea would work out. I'm not sure if I should follow this idea or do something else, my husband says that it doesn't looks like a race at all. I'm out of ideas
@Eliana-Bastidas I really like the concept of the different themed rabbits battling it out. Right now two rabbits look like they are moving toward each other, or the magic rabbit looks like it is stationary. I think if the magic hat has a cloud going behind it to make it look like it is moving, that would help. Also the head position of one of the rabbits should be turned to look over its should at the other rabbit so it looks like they are both heading the same direction. Does that make sense?
@jenn Thank you for your feedback, I will try to add the movement element today and keep working on it a bit, if it still doesn't work after, I think I may need to start a new painting.
I can’t find a way to make it work. I will probably wait for another prompt any other month
@Eliana-Bastidas Noooooo! Don't give up!!! This is actually looking amazing. You've got an excellent composition, a strong sense of movement, great-looking characters and a beautiful backdrop. I can suggest some small tweaks to hopefully improve on what you've already got:
- The magic bunny is fab! The movement streaks on the hat show he's definitely in motion. I'd change the eyebrows to show a sneakier, more competitive face (that way it's clear he's attacking the other bunny). Adding some more magic dust and stars to the base of the hat could also help reinforce the magical aspect. You also may want to change the shape of the magical spark coming from the wand to be more direct, I feel like the wavy line is slowing down the action.
- The easter bunny is looking good. Maybe have him/her leaning in a bit more towards the first bunny so his/her foot is angled towards the first bunny's face? Just to help guide the eyes back and forth between the two of them.
- You definitely need one or two more bunnies in the background to add some more depth and interest. There's the March Hare and the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland. If you bring the easter bunny forward, you might have room for one of them peeking out over the hill holding up a pocket watch or teacup or something.
Whatever you decide, don't throw in the towel just yet! This is a great concept for this month's prompt, and will look amazing once the colour and lighting is finalised. You can do it! (and don't worry, it definitely looks like a race, haha).
@Meekipink Thank you! It makes sense. I think that with your ideas I should make the illustration more graphic to apply them better. I'm gonna look for references and aim for that to see how it turns out! Thanks again
@Eliana-Bastidas yeah don't give up! It's shaping up really nicely, and I think you've got a great concept.
While I do think the picture is erring on the side of not quite looking like a race, that's something that can definitely be fixed by putting in some symbols or cultural markers on the rabbits that scream "it's a RACE!". You have the START sign which is already a hint, so I think you just need to make it more salient on the characters themselves, and possibly add a few more contestants in the background (with just two characters it's hard to immediately tell that there's a race going on).
Two suggestions I have for this:
- Add a race bib with contestant numbers on the rabbits
- Have them sitting in little go-karts (ala Mario Kart, where the players are throwing items at each other all the time). This could be as simple as adding some wheels to the magician's hat, and adding an easter egg-shaped go cart with "egg-wheels" below the easter bunny.
I'm sure there could be other more creative ways of solving this problem, and I hope you manage to find them!
Here is the progress, adding the changes you guys suggested and I feel it looks way better than before! Thanks
Another wip with colors added
Another wip for the rabbit race. I have change it so much that it’s funny to look at it now lol.
I had spend a lot of time on it already so I would really appreciate if somebody could give me some feedback️