Prints WIP
@phoenix-yip Wow! This is super cool! Great job on the fish and the figures. I do find the arm going into the coat a little confusing (like it's going in the coat and coming out a hole in the back?). But it's a really cool image.
Is this your IP? I'm left wanting for some background info. Is there a metaphor behind the cut limbs. Why no feet?
My eyes are initially drawn to the upper left corner, following down to the lower right, when it should be the opposite. Maybe it's just me.
Lastly, I think the piece could benefit from having a busy decorative background oppose to blank white.
@willicreate Thanks for your input! The limbs are mostly cut off to keep the viewer from straying outside the picture. I also do think it could be interpreted as some kind've metaphor. I like to keep it pretty universal. What do you mean by IP?
@miranda-hoover Thanks Miranda! I honestly don't know why I drew the arm going through his abdomen. Do you think it would be better if it was coming off to the side in front?
IP is shorthand for intellectual property. I wanted to determine if the print was fan art or your own story.
When looking at the piece I thought it was a psychic battle against a ghost or mystical figure.
@willicreate Ohh i see, yeah it is my own work.
@phoenix-yip I think in front would be cool, or even disappearing into him somehow...