@deboraht Publishing a book traditionally can be a royal pain. You have to get through an agent and THEN an publisher. Both would ask for a lot of changes and may not preserve you guys' vision. And yes, most agents and publishers too, do not accept author illustrator teams in most circumstances. The publishers want to be the one to pick a perfect illustrator for the script, so pitched that already include one are considered less competitive.
It's also a very lengthy process (books being announced right now as being picked up are for a 2024 release already). You'd keep your Kickstarter supporters waiting a looong time.
The advantages of going the traditional publishing route is that the publisher puts in the upfront investment of money to get the book produced, and markets and distributes the book.
However, it seems with a fully funded Kickstarter and an author/activist who's a media darling and great at promotion, there's not much that traditional publishing could do for you that you don't already have.
You guys have the money raised, you should go right ahead! You'll be able to publish the book according to your vision, get it out faster and not have to go through years of pitching and red tape.