Howdy all! Hope all's well!
So - exciting news~! I've been reaching out to publishers to offer my kids book illustration services.
After 6 days, one of them replied to me. They said they think me talented and would love to work with me. Sweet
They sent me a basic version of their usual contracts.
Less awesome news:
I know a bit about contracts and fees and payment terms to know that their contract isn't awesome.
Here's what they sent me:
"We pay our illustrators the same way we pay our authors - with a small royalty advance and then 10% on hardcover sales and 8% on paperback sales. We know that some artists choose not to work within this pay structure and that's ok."
Personally - it all depends on what that "small royalty advance" is, numbers wise.
I'm trying to break into the industry, so if the number is reasonable, I'm open to working with them.
I've seen their book selection and it's clear to me that they don't pay their artists their worth because the illustrations aren't great, which creates that cycle: lower quality art = lower sales = less income = less money for development = lower quality art, and so on.
Perhaps I can offer them a simpler version of my art, relative to the advance royalty they offer me?
What would y'all do?
And of course they replied to me after 6 days, so chances are decent that another publisher may want to work with me and will compensate me more. They're also open to questions and feedback, so there may be some wiggle room.
Lots to consider...
I'll attach the basic contract if y'all'd like 
@Lee-White @Will-Terry @Jake-Parker Thoughts?
Cheers y'all!
All the best~