13 Apr 2021, 18:25

It's been fun watching everyone's entries come together in these WIP threads and education watching the feedback, so I've decided to give the WIP thread a try.

While we don't have to stick to our fairy tale traveler(s), I decided I wanted to start with Ezio as a launching pad.

For reference, here's Ezio:

I immediately started picturing it being Ezio, his mentor and his new animal familiar (the unicorn) needing a place to crash. I focused in on the following words: Fairy tale, Inn, Tavern, Night, Weary, Hinterlands, Village.

Then I started drawing, not worried about perspective yet. Just building and exploring.


While I originally thought I might want something flying or surrounded by a mote, the idea of something run down and even abandoned started to capture my imagination. I pictured it being a village that didn't much like unicorns. The reason they picked the inn they picked was because "It's the only one without a 'No Unicorns'" sign.

So here's where I'm at now. Trying to figure out if it's just run down and/or abandoned or if it could/should be haunted, too.


Right now, I'm trying to decide if I need to add more shapes to it's general architecture, or if I want to keep it more borderline cabin-y.

Anyways, thanks for checking out my thread. I'm all ears if you have any thoughts or advice.