Just thought I'd present myself
Hi everyone, I've been lurking for a couple weeks and I'm ready to be part of this community.
My name is Roxanne, I'm from Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I mainly speak French so excuse my English mistakes please
I've been taking SVS learn courses for about a year now, not every month with the same consistency than these days.
I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, a lot of people in my family are artistically inclined. I've done my cégep (2 years between highschool and university) in visual arts, but I don't feel like I learned a lot, or maybe not what I wanted/needed for my goals.
The idea of illustrating children's books always seemed nice to me but I don't feel like my skills are there yet.
After a rejection in a speech therapy masters program and with every thing happening these days I have a lot of time to think and reflect on what I want to do with my life.
So I'm here to learn a lot and improve my skills in drawing and storytelling.
Thanks for reading
If you are interested here's my Instagram: @toxe1717
And my artist's Facebook page: @roxanneduguayartiste -
Welcome @Roxanne-duguay!
@Roxanne-duguay Welcome Roxanne! Your English looks great to me! I had also seriously thought about going into Speech Therapy. I am sorry about the rejection, but I hope this avenue may end up being a blessing in disguise for you. Best of luck in your art endeavors!
@fullerj thanks