@Bobby-Aquitania Hi Bobby Thank you for your kind effort that you v'e put in to helping me out.I really like the idea of painting upside down! Ill try that!
Final update on Drawing a portrait (Puck)
@Bobby-Aquitania Hi Bobby Thank you for your kind effort that you v'e put in to helping me out.I really like the idea of painting upside down! Ill try that!
@Lee-White Thank you Lee, I do have several references, but their all fronted. It is an assignment for an old classmate, who follows my work on Facebook. Social Media is so helpful for me in getting more assignments. (From the Last Hedgehog- critique painting I even got an invitation from a publisher. Yoehoee) Ill take your tips and go and nail this one!
@seanwelty I track your examples, and watch the youtube video! thanks for all the effort,Keep you guys posted!
This week i am in Brazil visiting my sis, and while doing that, still have some inspiration to work on this one! The client choose this comp. and now I started adding some colors... I want to give it a painterly look but want to complete the polished one as wel. so thats it for now, lets go outsidefor some mountainsketching...
@Leontine This looks good. I'm assuming you are going to add some harder edges?
@Rob-Smith yes I will Rob!
@Leontine Really nice! I like your treatment of the hair and the other textures. The back lighting is very nice as well, subtle yet there. I'm missing the finish on the eyes. I think with an iris the eyes would really come alive and bring soul to the character.
Very sweet! Beautiful work, I know children's faces are tough, but you've done a great job. I agree with Rob that maybe the eyes would look better without so much softness there.
@Rob-Smith Yep, thats a good gesture, the thing is that in real life her eyes are really this dark, and the irises are not visible. But I could have given her a gesture of, it might work, ill try some! Thanks.