Creating a Great Concept For Your Illustration
@Kayla-Groening I loved that part, too! I see these sketchbook flip-throughs on social media and I wonder where their real sketchbook is. The sketchbook with all the ideas and mistakes and half-drawings and scribbles. That's what I always felt like sketchbooks were for, personally, but I think I'm in the minority.
I like how you cut your good drawings out and add them to your journal. That's a really good idea.
@Annemieke I really enjoyed this episode-and the thoughts and different points of view that it brings up. I appreciate that the tilt of this school is toward children's illustrations, but in addition it's just darn good school. I'm not personally interested in becoming an illustrator for children's books-and might suggest that occasionally the month's prompt be considered in a broader context.
That said--the discussion on this question is classic SVS--totally respectful. I've learned a lot about how topics fly differently in different cultures.