SpaceCraft52 series. Please critique!
so you probably don't know I'm doing a spot illustration series on Instagram. Recently I have been behind, but I've finally been able to catch-up!
The series is called SpaceCraft 52. This is how it works. Every week for one year (hence "52") I make a spot illustration of a spaceship. The point of it is to slowly but surely train myself to create more art, master the tools and techniques of color and value, and to push creative boundaries. So far if you look back on my first several drawings I think I definitely improved! "Yes!"
well lucky you I have finished weeks 10-12 and you'll be the first to see!Please, be sure to critique if you have any advice on them. Thank you in advance!
If your interested please follow my Instagram (@benmigliore or link in my website) to follow to continuation for 2017.
Thank you again! -
I think they look really fun and inventive. Its not a style i work in, so can't critique how realistic they look if thats what you are looking for. Keep up the good work.
@MirkaH Thank you!
Beautiful work, great perspective.
Mechanical design is a serious weak spot for me, maybe you can give me a few pointers -
Hi Ben, Awesome work. Love the perspective and line work! 'Space is such a great subject. I wish I could draw spacecrafts. Perhaps Ill try once to study some. Till Then Ill follow your work with great interest!