New Picture book first spread Update!
Here's the first idea for my new book. Spread #one where knight Happy gets out of bed to make breakfast for his famliy . Comments on comp, sketch, and value are more than welcome!
Here's the update after your comments!
Cute! I love the little details that show how much the boy likes knights, especially the little stuffed horse he is carrying, and think you could push it more, like action figures on the ground and blocks in the shape of a castle...maybe instead of the ball and pillow. The dark lamp in front of the bright window has the strongest contrast and is "framed" by the window making it a distraction. I would take out the lamp. You don't need it. With it gone, the boy has the greatest contrast--which is where you want it. And is gives you a space for text. The perspective on the window in the castle-bed feels wrong. You would see the right inside frame, not left. And the skateboard on the left is uncomfortably if it is leaning against the edge of the illustration. Maybe have it leaning on the castle or on the ground closer to the ball and pillow? You have so much talent and I can't wait to see this with color!
@Joy-Heyer Thank you so much Joy! Ill take your advice, and repaint!