How is my style?
Hello, I am Uğur Ergül, I live in Turkey. I am sharing my portfolio containing my current works. Do you think I can make books with this style? What's my style? I am open to all criticism. Can I work with many publishing houses and agencies in the USA?
@Uğur-Ergül very lovely style. There are so many styles in children's books, I'm sure there is room for yours also. It is more a matter of putting a great portfolio together, of pieces that have great composition and storytelling, and then getting the attention of art directors at the right kind of publishing house. There are several classes on SVS that go into detail for this. Happy drawing!
Hi! As a mom-would-be-artist I would have gladly picked for my kid a book illustrated in your style, when she was little. It is colourful and appealing and I like the faces and expressions of the characters
I'm not sure how to define it. It certainly gives a traditional work feel, it makes use more of colors , lines, and shapes than of volumes and light, so it is more 2d than 3d, I perceive this way. Very nice and fun
As a side note, I always got books after attentively reading and liking the story too, even if I liked the illustrations, because small kids need and ask to have the same favourite book read to them a hundred times a day, so it was a must that I would have some fun with the story too
So the SVS gang is right when putting emphasis on storytelling...