Hi, I'm Daina! :-)
Hello! I have been creating art since I was small. I'm now 38, a new mom as of 4 months ago, and art always calls me back home. For years, I'd want to draw/illustrate/paint what was in my head but couldn't always take it that step further. I'd try and get frustrated during the process.
I do a lot of portraits of faces and animals. I've often wanted to explore them further and in their environment so I can tell their story. They have so much to say!
I actually have joined SVS 2 prior times but didn't get very far. With the little time I had, I needed to express myself vs. do studies/courses, and that's ok. It's what I needed, and all art you make has a benefit I believe. Also, I guess something about having a baby gets your priorities lined up more, and so even though I don't have a lot of time, whatever time I can find, I will work at this. Sure, this is my dream, but it's for my kid as well, to show her anything is possible, and I truly believe that. I'd like to illustrate, design, and write my own stories & children's books. It is a dream I have indeed!
I grew up in NJ, lived in upstate NY for about 6-7 years, and just moved to VA a year ago with my husband. We are very much nature fans, so that is a huge source of fuel for me as well as art and just spirituality in general!
Nice to meet you and I'll share some pictures of my work from past few years.
Also, if there is anything I have learned is that practice and showing up really does make a difference in your art. The first time I ever drew a face or animal, it was very 2D and flat. More symbolic as Jake talks about in his first course in the curriculum vs reality. As time goes on, and you draw more and more, and you compare your to let's say 5 years, you really see a difference. So there's hope yet!
I look forward to learning and improving my skills so I can create what's in my heart. I'd for this to be my career! Thanks!
@dainabailey hi Daina! Firstly, congratulations on becoming a mum. And secondly, welcome! I'm loving the skills you've shown in the drawings, and looking forward to seeing what sort of illustrations you make going forward. The group here is fantastic and the encouragement can certainly make the difference.
Hi Daina! I think you have a good eye for color and whimsy, love those characters!
I am also a mom️ , trying to hold on to the creative calling despite or just because life, and I also return to the SVS forums from time to time to recharge! The people and the classes in Svs are the best!
And you are right, art, and watching you create beautiful things will help your kid too, and a creative life makes rising a child much more easy and fun! My daughter is now 15, and she also makes art. Also she belives we can do anything, so you are totally right on that point!
Hello and welcome! Excited to see the progress you make, it looks like you have a good eye already. Wish you the best with your art and your family!
@dainabailey Hi Daina, Welcome to this fantastic place! Keep up the great work. You are right about practice, as it makes all the difference. In my case, I practiced a lot but needed more guidance for the first year. Even though I drew 10 hours a day, seven days a week, my lack of feedback from knowledgeable instructors stunted my growth. The curriculum here is excellent, and the critiques are thoughtful and practical.
@MarcRobinson Thank you so much! Appreciate it!
@Oana Thank you so much! Love the word whimsy!
@Justin-Moss Thank you!
@thomas-young Thank you, and I agree. I can see how having professionals critique you can take your art leaps and bounds. Thanks again!