Feed back on sketches for Jan HTFYA
Two ideas for our prompt, one dealing with things that go bump in the night and investigating the source and the second, the one thing I hate about camping, having to use the restroom late at night.
@Larue I like Option 2 better. It is has a stronger story, and is less cliché. You might make it stronger if you put the girl on the left extreme, and an outhouse/bathroom on the right, in the distance, as her destination. Maybe put the toilet paper in her right hand (no bag), and the flashlight in her left for a better silhouette. Other than that, I think it's great idea!
And for the record, I always hated having to go to the bathroom at night while camping as well. One place we stayed had just a basic closed-in toilet, and the walls were about 1 foot off the ground, so any critter could just come right in!