SVS Virtual Studio DECEMBER 2023
Happy DECEMBER everyone!
Looking forward to seeing some holiday art! (Or non-holiday art.) Please share your creations and let's support one another.
Remember: Don't be shy. Just imagine you have invited all your SVS friends into your studio for a peek at what you're working on. We're all here to admire and encourage. This is NOT a place for critiques. You may applaud, encourage, ooh and ah, only. Relentless kindness.
Let me start it off right. Happy Holidays everyone, whatever it is you celebrate! I did this on my flight to Arizona
@Larue he looks so soft and plushy 🥰
This one started as a prompt from Anthony Wheeler's Twitch stream, and turned into a potential full book about a creature known as the Lumberjackalope.
Hi guys, I hope everyone is having a really great festive season. It's been a very challenging month for my family, and as a result I've not been at the drawing table much since the beginning of November. But as things settle down a bit, I've started working on some stuff. This is a work in progress of a painting I'm doing of The Luggage from Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. For 2024 I'm planning to double down on my fantasy illustrations, as I think I was starting to spread myself too thin by trying to do EVERY type of artwork.
This post is deleted! -
This is a rough composition sketch I'm working on for my first book dummy (text goes in the blank area at the top).
Hopefully you can tell that it's a birds-eye view of an Indian marketplace.
I've still got to work on the character design for the woman and the cow, who are main characters in the story. -
Taking reference from Pinterest and creating some character study
More drawings!
Filling the last page of my sketchbook at a rather chilly café in Glastonbury. The woman on the left with the glasses was very loud and had a vocabulary consisting mainly of swearwords, but the guy with the plait in his beard was having an interesting conversation about Japan.
I think I should go to cafés with worse acoustics from now on. -
I'm participating in a monthly challenge with friends on Instagram. Here's an endangered bird : a Bali Starling. It was a timed drawing, but I quite liked drawing him, using negative space.
@Robyn-Hepburn Eavesdropping and drawing is definitely one of my favourite activities. Crossed conversations are so funny, aren't they ? I am currently going quite often to the same cafe at the same time of the day just to get a chance to "catch up" on a local group of retired people and they crack me up ! Plus, the ladies often wear hats, so they're good practice.
This is very lovely @Robyn-Hepburn. I can’t believe the lady was swearing with a kid at the table!
This looks like a full spread in a Picturebook! Well done ensuring nothing was lost in the gutter.
Hi @Adam-Thornton-0 , looking good! I can tell it’s top down view; however, I’m sure the colors and rendering will highlight that bits an Indian market place.
i would love to see their sketch
@Julie Haha! That's a brilliant idea. I do know of a café nearby that's frequented by retired folk - I do hope they wear hats!
I love your negative-space bird. Timed drawings are great, hey? Especially together with other people.