Agent contract payment question
I’m about to sign a contract with an agent and there’s one part I had a question about.
The contract states that my agent has 45 days to send me my payment after they have received it. I hired a contract reviewer and they said 45 days is not necessary and that it should be 14 days. They also suggested having the payment sent to myself and my agent separately but my agent said publishers don’t like that because it’s a hassle for them. What have been your experiences with this? -
@Griffin-McPherson My contract says 30 days, which I found fair and agreed to. I also think having the publisher just paying your agent is a good idea, since there might be other costs that the agent needs to deduct from your share (this will save a bunch of back-n-forth between you). If you are worried about not getting paid promptly and on time, maybe reach out to some of the other clients of the agency and ask what their experience with receiving payments are.
@Griffin-McPherson Oh, and congrats on finding an agent!!!
My experience has been that the 45 day waiting period is not necessary and that 14 days should be sufficient. In the past, I have found that publishers are willing to comply with the request to send payments to agents and clients separately as long as it is within the contractual agreement. If your agent is still uncomfortable with this arrangement, you may want to consider renegotiating the terms of the contract to make sure everyone is comfortable with the payment terms.