How to create dappled light?
I love the look of dappled light but I’ve never successfully incorporated it in a piece. It often feels too distracting because it looks like random spots all over the image. When I try to make less spots of light or larger spots it ends up not looking believable. Let me know if you have any tips or tricks for this!
@Griffin-McPherson I love dappled light too. If you have access to the SVS courses, Will's color and light class goes over dappled light. It's been difficult for me to work on this particular esthetic, but looking at real photos has helped. For this piece, perhaps take into account that the light will be illuminating the local color of the object it's shining on, so the color of the tree trunks would probably be different than the grass. Some photos or examples of other artists' work might help you decide how far up the tree trunks the light might be falling... which direction is the sun shining from? This might give you a starting point from which to think about it. Thank you for sharing your process so we can all learn along with you.
@Griffin-McPherson I agree with @KathrynAdebayo about the needed variation colors, and also the sizes of the spots on the ground should somewhat follow perspective rules to follow the plane of the ground.