Just wanted to hop on and say thanks to Lee, Jake, and Will for answering my question in today's episode "Is My Portfolio Too Focused?" which is also the title (I feel famous x'D).
I really appreciated Lee's advice on exploring different subject matter in my portfolio, and I will definitely add some contemporary pieces to it going forward! (I had so many of the same-looking illustrations because they were all from a book I wrote, so I'm excited to break away from that and do something new.)
To answer Will's question, I went to school at Otis College of Art and Design where I was an animation major so that probably explains my animationy style. If I'm being honest I wouldn't recommend Otis for anything other than fashion or architecture. Not to be shady haha.
I also want to say how much I appreciate the encouragement and praise! I was having severe doubts about whether I was fit for illustration so hearing pros say that I'm a good illustrator was a massive help.
(Also, idk if the guys were joking or not but either way I don't think I have the guts to contact Brandon Dorman and beg him to give me his reject work )