Picturehooks Competition
Hi everyone
Picturehooks are running another autumn competition if anyone is interested. I believe it is open to all. The prompt is kindness.
@geekinm thanks for the link!
I think I’ll join, but to be honest I find the prompt super challenging. I think there’s a very high risk of creating work with this prompt that is just sweet, but not much else… I did a mind map for kindness the other day, and every single leaf on it is a thoroughly cute, but totally uninteresting, image. 🫤
Any ideas on how to stay out of the cute-but-ultimately-boring-trap?
@Mia-Clarke put a twist on it like aliens or something like ghosts or witches, unless your tired of Halloween already, lol I never am!
@Mia-Clarke you could do unexpected/ unseen kindness / tough love kind of thing. For example, something that may not seem kind at first (e.g. not letting kids in) but is ultimately saving their lives (show a monster lurking behind where the kids can't see) would be interesting but tricky to pull off
@ArtMelC That’s a really good angle, I think unexpected kindness is the way to go.
@Mia-Clarke was thinking about a kid that is catching flies to put in a spiderweb and then the spider has baby spiders to feed. But I won't enter. I'm too slow still in my work process. One challenge a month is already quite the trick for me.
@Mia-Clarke While walking was thinking of one of the podcast episodes about what point in a story would be most interesting. You could also focus more on the drama just before the kindness was needed, with the kind act being set up in the background.