My name is Merri. I’m a registered nurse of two young adult boys, who decided to hang up her stethoscope and travel with my husband. We are currently living in Barra de Navidad, MX.I love to paint and create art. Due to traveling, I packed up all of my traditional art supplies and work solely on my iPad Pro using Procreate. I have no formal art training and I’m interested in improving my drawing skills and visual storytelling abilities to hopefully illustrate Children’s Picture Books someday. I recently completed a Picture Book Illustration Course offered by Nina Rycroft and was spotlighted on her course blog (https://www.ninarycroft.com/blog). I had an amazing experience and realized I need to strengthen my drawing and visual storytelling skills. So here I am! I look forward to getting to know you all!
@Merri Hi Merri, Welcome to this wonderful world of SVS! I hope you enjoy the process, make lots of friends and learn lots. It is such a rewarding place. An creative oasis! Where is Barra de Navidad?
@Merri welcome! You've come to the right place! Especially if you are taking courses offered by svs. This a great community! Happy to have you onboard, like your style
@Merri Hola! Bienvenida. I am from Mexico aswell! but I am living in Canada
Welcome! I am new too. I have found SVS to be a huge help! Also, I travel a lot too. My husband and I are currently in France, and I am still dragging around my traditional art supplies. Just can't let go.
@PenAndrew, Barra de Navidad is about 140 miles south of Puerta Vallarta, Mexico on the Pacific Ocean. It’s a quaint, beautiful little village!
Thank you for the warm welcome! I’m eager to learn a lot at get to know each of you! SVS has some amazing courses!
Hola, Julia! What part of Mexico are you from? Are you enjoying Canada? There seem to be a lot of Canadian Expats here in Barra. -
I would love to got to France! We are hoping to visit France, Italy, Croatia, Greece and Portugal soon. I did bring some travel size sketchbooks, watercolors and brushes. But, I still tend to use my iPad the most!
@AlliFaith Yes, don't let go of your traditional art supplies! The experience of hands on things in this modern world of digital is being lost! This hands on experience is more than just image making, but a healing force, a relationship with the outside world and a connection and a multi-sensory experience that I don't believe Digital can ever replace.
@Merri France and Italy are both lovely! I hope you get to go. I hope to visit Austria soon! We didn't get a honeymoon so thats our plan. haha
@Merri Welcome! Do let me know if you get to Italy! My partner is from Sicily, so we spend at least a month out of each year there
Looking forward to seeing more of your work and being on the creative path together
Glad to have ya! Looking forward to seeing you and your art on the forum.
@Merri From I am from Guadalajara Jalisco (I am tapatia). Canada is very beautiful and very cold, I really like it!
Are you from mexico? or are just living there?