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Inktober Day 20 - "Sprout"
Double Creature Feature day GASP!
One of the things I've learned about humor and comedy (I fancy myself something of a funny person] is the importance of expectations.
Humor often comes from careening past expectations.
Somebody asks a question, you give an unexpected answer, they laugh
It's funny because they didn't expect it.You don't even have to be a particularly funny personality. Just gotta know what the other person is expecting and say the opposite thing.... or the slightly adjacent thing.
You get the idea.
Anyhoo, that's my approach with this character design. "Sprout" makes me think of plants. The opposite of which would be something incapable of growing life.
Thus the character's story is somewhere between both those extremes. The slightly adjacent if you will.
So I went with a sentient boulder person wearing a fetching moss garden. Obviously. -