Hey fellow artists! My name is Cory and I am in need of your wisdom and advice. I have been working on my portfolio for a long time and I need input from my brothers and sisters in the trade. This is my website and I would LOVE your professional opinion on it.
My dream job is making children's/youth books through illustration and possibly being an author too. I am having trouble landing an agent or publishing my work. I think my portfolio might be the problem. Will you please help me! Be blunt! But constructive. Please I don't need walking on eggshells, I need the truth. -
@Kori-Jensen kori I’m gonna be real with you, I think the reason you’re not getting work is simply the level of your skill. While you’re a better than average artist and I’ve seen your personal growth in the almost year that I’ve been around, it doesn’t quite seem “there” yet. I’m sorry if you think I am being harsh, but I would say the same thing to myself! I haven’t even bothered with trying to finish a portfolio because I know I’m not there yet! I get discouraged on even finishing one piece. I am super stoked for you though and give you major props for just going for it trying to get work. I envy your confidence actually, I would check some of the artists you admire take a look at there websites and sorta compare yourself. Can I ask what you use? Procreate? Illustrator? Please keep at it and don’t get discouraged by my words I only want you to be your best as a fellow artist
️I’m sure work will come your way but in meantime keep pushing your skills!
I'm seeing a lot of single characters and not much that I'd instantly think could be an illustration or spread in a children's book.
I just watched the "how to perfect your children's book portfolio" course over on SVS and realised how much more I need to do before I have a reasonable portfolio
the list they give of things to include is super useful - all different types of people, animals, objects, buildings, times of day, weather, groups of people, actions, emotions, etc.
@Asyas_illos My friend i fully understand what you mean. It lacks a "WOW" factor. I feel like my heart breaks when I think about it. I think you are absolutely right and I want to keep pushing my work further. It's just that i want the work in order to do that as well. I know that working will allow me to keep improving. I need that critique you know? What about my work do you think needs more improvement? Any advice would help.
@neschof hmmm very interesting. I had a subscription and now I am regretting taking it away. I think I'll look into that. Because you're absolutely correct. I'll need to add more if that be the case
Thank you so much for your input. -
@Kori-Jensen I think in particular, I’d be exploring different brushes. I think the the bushes you’re using make it feel more amateur-ish, which I know that’s what we are but, be we don’t want anyone else to, right? Branch out from those airbrushes an such, I can see so much more potential but I think you tools are hindering your talent.
@Asyas_illos hmm sounds like I need too push my comfort zone then. Thank you so much this is good stuff!
@Kori-Jensen do you do any traditional work or did you start with digital?
@Asyas_illos I had started when I was 8 and haven't started digital until 2016
@Kori-Jensen what mediums are you comfortable with traditionally?
Maybe finding the right tools to mimic that, might help you move forward. I know it did for me. -
@Asyas_illos Thats smart but I was only prevalent in pencil and ink. What are your thoughts ma'am?
@Kori-Jensen what software do you use? I use procreate, and I just started digital last year. For me moving to digital was totally foreign, and super frustrating. It wasn’t until I discovered different brushes that I began to feel more comfortable. So I would do some research on brush sets that are compatible with whatever program you work with and just have fun!
@Asyas_illos Well you did mention air brushes and I experimented. I don't know how I am going to incorporate it into my drawings but I am excited to find out. I use photoshop, but originally I was all about illustrator and flat design. And like you I knew nothing about photoshop and it was awkward. I got a cyntique though so I'm a bit more comfortable.
@Kori-Jensen you can probably make a good start on your own list of things to include by looking at your favourite children's books and/or the portfolios of your favourite children's book illustrators.
@neschof Also a very good idea, but I like knowing the ins and outs of why certain things are important in the portfolio. That way I can better aim my portfolio correctly. Does that make sence?
NO airbrushes! LOL I’m sorry you misunderstood what I meant. Or I wasn’t clear, but I meant, try to to avoid the airbrush and similar brushes because they seem very stagnant to me, but that’s just my opinion!
Hi @Kori-Jensen, Firstly, bravo for taking the step to request honest feedback. That’s tough to do for so many artist because of the sense of attachment to their art.
3 Things I Like:
- Your single ghost piece is my favorite. I like the color and rendering style. It’s awesome!
- Your depth and atmospheric perspective is good on the forest scenes.
- You seem to be comfortable working with color harmony. I like blue and green hues in many of your pieces.
3 things I think you can improve on:
- You appear to lack consistency in your pieces. If I were an art director, I wouldn’t be sure you wanted to make picturebooks based on the single character designs, especially ninjas and game of thrones character. I would think Character Designer.
- None of your pieces, with the exception of the book cover of the tattoo guy and cat, tell a story. I’m still learning this, but portfolio pieces need to tell a story to avoid having potential clients guessing your message. You obviously have skills, so focusing on storytelling will help you tremendously.
- You need more pieces, and stronger pieces that demonstrate your highest skill level. I realize you chose 12 pieces based on common advice, but I believe you can make 12 stronger pieces than you have on your site. Again, focus on storytelling. I suggest you find your favorite artist and focus on master copies to help you learn and problem solve.
Remember, even your favorite artists had to start somewhere. Perhaps create 12 new pieces each 6 months as you continue to develop and improve.
Personally, I’m probably not the best person to give advice because I’ve been rejected by many agents for lacking art skills. I don’t care because I’m having fun and trying to get 1% better with each piece. I just don’t have the miles yet.
Hope this helps!
@Jeremy-Ross Sir! You are a gentleman and a scholar and I so appreciate your help. I have been so fed up with the fact that I wasn't getting anywhere and I think I am ready to be torn down to be built back up again. As it is with any renovation. I hugely appreciate your help sir.
I think my work lacks a lot of dimension and it hurts knowing that, while at the same time I am glad I can be honest with myself. I am glad you like the vibrancy in my work. I am proud of that for sure.
Your right I do need to tell more stories. And I also need to learn how to do that. THANK YOU once again!
@Asyas_illos Stagnent? how so?
You’re very welcome @Kori-Jensen!
I made a promise to myself to enter every SVS Monthly Art Contest with “storytelling” in mind. Although I only made sweet 16 cut twice out of many-many tries, it’s a great motivator to try your best work. I suggest you try the same if you’re looking to reinvent yourself.
I believe Jake said if you consistently make top 16 and win multiple challenges, you’re pretty much ready for the big stage. From the winners of the last 20 plus challenges I’ve participated in, I agree with Jake’s assertion.