15 Jul 2021, 02:26

Hiya SVSlearn folks — I've been a longtime listener of the 3 Point Perspective podcast and thought I had subscribed here long ago, but didn't — anyway, I'm correcting that at this minute.

So I'm a middle aged artist from Costa Rica who actually majored in Graphic Arts and Design. Life and the need for money pulled me in different directions though — the Internet was coming of age as I was still studying and since I had a knack for computers I got sidetracked into web/UX design thinking it would be good for a 2-year stunt to make money and then go back to animation/illustration. Goes without saying that the 2-year stunt turned into a 25-year career which brings us to this day, where I'm trying to reconnect with what I've always loved to to best and in hopes to turn it into a career switch. Am I late to the game? I don't know, but this I do know: I don't want to miss trying out my best to turn my lifelong passion for drawing into a paying career, and I think places like this may help with that, to work on my weaknesses and further polish my strengths.

Without further ado, I'm attaching here some samples of my work and hopefully connect with you also on IG and Twitter (@alzamonart)

Pura vida! 🦥

2019-03-19 Kidlit4climate-poster art.jpg
2014-03-13 ISWA---flat---No-watermark.jpg
2019-03-29 DTIYS Captain Claws Final.jpg
2018-08-24 Boule Rockwell - high res flat.jpg