First Corporate Client! But need Terms of Usage?
Hello there,
I recently came into talks with a corporate client to do some spot illustrations for one of their web products. But they are asking me for a license or terms of usage agreement.
Just wondering if anyone's had to prepare one of these and if there are any templates available online or any ideas about how I might go about writing one up? I don't have money to hire a lawyer and the job isn't quite big enough to justify hiring one.
I appreciate your responses!
@NelsonYiap I would think you could google search and find one but if you can't I would invest in this book. It has everything in it contract wise and pricing. You might be able to find a digital download. You could always take what makes sense to you from those kinds of contracts and build your own.
You might also check Tad Crawford’s Business and Legal Forms for Illustrators. He has a whole series of legal guides for artists that cover the hairier business stuff.
Thank you @K-Flagg and @Randi-Gordon I managed to get a copy of Tad Crawford's Business and Legal Forms for Illustrators. It's a fantastic template and I just adjusted the wording to suit my needs and jurisdiction!