@Nyrryl-Cadiz thank you so much!
Heyo from Salt Lake City!
@Nyrryl-Cadiz thank you so much!
Beautiful work!
@kalyquarles welcome! LOVE your style -- mid-century is one of my favorites (though you couldn't tell from my work
)! Great use of shape and texture!
These pieces that you shared are great but I can also see where you may struggle with character poses -- the Egyptian girl's arms, for example. Have you gotten a chance to watch the character design courses yet? Breathing Life Into Your Character Designs is GREAT! I've just started watching Characters and Conversations and highly recommend that one too.
Again, LOVE your work! Are you looking to make illustration your career or are you already getting work? With your style, I think you could totally be getting work right now!
welcome! and I totally miss SLC... I lived there for 2 years.