20 May 2021, 12:56


I just though I would share a board game I thought people may like that we have been playing for many years. It's called Dixit. It's a french game where you create stories from wonderfully illustrated cards. Illustrator - Marie Cardouat.

You have 6 cards and the storyteller picks one of their cards and creates a sentence, phrase or word to describe it. The other players look at their cards and try to pick the one that they think best matches the phrase. Then everyone puts their cards face down in a pile, they get shuffled, and placed face up in a line.

Everyone then puts one of their counters down on which card they think is the storytellers. The twist is you want your phrase to be not too obvious so that everyone guesses it, but not too obscure that no-one guesses it. Points are awarded to players depending on who's counters are on who's card.

The rules are not complicated to play and the illustrations are quite surreal so it really gets your brain working. It's great to play with anyone, young or old.

The playing pieces are wooden rabbits so you will have to fight over who is the red SVS rabbit! ๐Ÿ™‚

It's quite an old game but I recommend it if you like creating stories, plus you can just sit and look through the card illustrations for ages.
